Peace Messenger




The European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD) was awarded the Peace Messenger Award by the United Nations Secretary General, in recognition of its significant contribution to the programme and objectives of the International Year of Peace (1987), proclaimed by the United Nations United General Assembly.



Evropski centar za mir i razvoj Univerziteta za mir UN obaveštava da će se javna odbrana doktorske disertacije Ljiljane Blagojević pod naslovom „Srpska imigracija u Francuskoj posle Drugog svetskog rata: povratak u maticu u trećem životnom dobu” održati 29.07.2024. u 13,00h u ECPD, Beograd, Terazije 41.


European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD)  
University for Peace established by the United Nations

ECPD Headquarters
Terazije 41
11000 Belgrade
+381 11 3246-041;
+381 11 3246-042;
+381 11 3240-673;

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