Research projects elaborated for UNESCO


In 1989/1900 for the needs of, and in cooperation with the UNESCO, the ECPD realised two research projects relating to human rights and disarmament problems, i.e.:
Human Rights and the Right of Unfavoured Groups and Handicapped Persons to a Better Life; and
Research on the Consequences of Armament and Conditions that Favour Disarmament.

The latter one was implemented under three headings:

·         Research on the Consequences of Armament and Conditions that Favour Disarmament;

·         Developing a General Theory of Disarmament; and

·         Contribution to the Founding of a Radical Theory of Responsibility.

These headings were elaborated by scientific workers and researchers from the ECPD, University of Zagreb and Sarajevo University.





Evropski centar za mir i razvoj Univerziteta za mir UN obaveštava da će se javna odbrana doktorske disertacije Ljiljane Blagojević pod naslovom „Srpska imigracija u Francuskoj posle Drugog svetskog rata: povratak u maticu u trećem životnom dobu” održati 29.07.2024. u 13,00h u ECPD, Beograd, Terazije 41.


European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD)  
University for Peace established by the United Nations

ECPD Headquarters
Terazije 41
11000 Belgrade
+381 11 3246-041;
+381 11 3246-042;
+381 11 3240-673;

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