Research projects elaborated for the Municipality of Novi Pazar


Strategy of Long-Term Sustainable Development of the Novi Pazar Area

Municipal Assembly of Novi Pazar

Project Co-Directors
Prof. dr. Negoslav P. Ostojić / Prof. dr. Vlastimir Matejić / Prof. dr. Norman Scott, C.M.G.

In accordance with the Agreement concluded with the Municipal Assembly of Novi Pazar on 2 November 2002, the European Centre for Peace and Development carried out the Research Project on the Strategy of Long-Term Sustainable Development of the Novi Pazar Area.

Located in south-western Serbia, the Novi Pazar area is a multy-ethnic and multi-confessional area. It includes the Novi Pazar, Sjenica and Tutin municipalities, and is the least developed region of Serbia.

Several international expert teams were engaged in the elaboration of the project. It was finalized on 26 December, 2003 and delivered to the client. The ECPD continues to be engaged in the elaboration of the Summary Report and Recommendations of measures to be taken carrying out other projects related to the economic and social development of the area. In this connection, three areas were reviewed and a specific proposal for development and environmental improvement was formulated.

Spatial Planning: Impact on the Strategic Estimates

AREA PLANNING of the Novi Pazar Municipality;
AERA PLANNING of the Tutin Municipality, and
AREA PLANNING of the Sjenica Municipality

This project could be considered as the continuation of the previously elaborated ECPD projects commissioned by the Novi Pazar, Tutin and Sjenica municipalities primarily the “Strategy of Long-Term sustainable development of the Novi Pazar Area”. They are also based on decisions made by those municipalities, as well as on the laws and regulations of the Serbian Government concerning this issue. The Offer incorporates all relevant data and conditions, including:

·         Scope and model of the Offer;

·         Lead-time (beginning, phases of elaboration, finalization of the Project);

·         Costs and mode of payments, etc.

The projects of the Area Planning of the Tutin and Sjenica municipalities are in the final phase of elaboration, while the Area Planning of the Novi Pazar municipaliuties is pending realization.





09.01.2024. European Center for Peace and Development of the University for Peace and Development est. by the United Nations (ECPD) announce Concours for the selection of teachers for the field of Public Management. Requirements: scientific degree Doctorate of science in a scientific field for which appropriate scientific papers are chosen. Along with the written application, candidate submits: CV, birth certificate, master's and doctoral diplomas, doctoral dissertation and an integral list of scientific works is made avaliable to the public opinion at the ECPD Secretariat, Belgrade, Terazije 41, within 15 days from the date of publication.
Evropski centar za mir i razvoj Univerziteta za mir UN obaveštava da su doktorska disertacija i Izveštaj o oceni disertacije Rastka Petrovića pod naslovom „Procena uticaja na životnu sredinu i društveno ekonomski razvoj geoloških istraživanja planine Rogozne“” stavljeni na uvid javnosti u Sekretarijatu ECPD (Beograd, Terazije 41), 15 dana od 21.03.2025. godine.
09.01.2024. Evropski centar za mir i razvoj Univerziteta za mir Ujedinjenih nacija (ECPD) raspisuje Konkurs za izbor nastavnika za oblasti Public Management. Uslovi: naučni stepen doktorat nauka iz naučne oblasti za koju se bira i odgovarajući naučni radovi. Uz pismenu prijavu kandidat prilaže: CV, izvod iz matične knjige rođenih, diplome o magistraturi i doktoratu, doktorsku disertaciju i integralni spisak naučnih radova − ECPD, Beograd, Terazije 41, u roku od 15 dana od dana objavljivanja.


European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD)  
University for Peace established by the United Nations

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+381 11 3246-041;
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