The Ministry of Culture and Education of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, the Republican Institute for the Protection of Cultural-Historical and Natural Heritage, Banja Luka, the European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD) of the United Nations University for Peace, Belgrade, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, and the City of Banja Luka have the honour to invite you to participate in the Second Regional Conference on Integrative Protection entitled Integrative Protection of Cultural Heritage, Banja Luka.
The organizers and main initiators of the Conference are the Republican Institute for the Protection of Cultural-Historical and Natural Heritage of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, and the European Center for Peace and Development of the United Nations University for Peace, Belgrade. Its sponsors are the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Culture and Education of the Republic of Srpska (BiH) and the City of Banja Luka.
The Conference chairmanship-beginning of the event
I The Main Topic of the Conference
The Conference focuses on: Protection of cultural heritage.
The participants in the Conference contributed with their papers and discussions on:
· identification and defining of the notion of cultural landscape, as well as to the establishment of related terms, with the aim of increasing the level of protection of cultural and natural entities;
· legal regulations and their application in practice, through the establishment of legal systems which aim at integrative protection, on the state, regional and municipal local level; and
· raising awareness about the issue of global climatic changes, as an important factor of long-term planning and their effects on natural and cultural heritage.
Therefore, the conclusions of the Conference were primarily geared to the integration of cultural policy and management in planning the protection of cultural-historical, natural and spiritual heritage within a wider regional policy.
II The Concept and Aim
As a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of landscapes and monuments situated in them, integrative protection imposes a number of problems which are very often encountered by local and regional authorities, protection specialists, town planners and others. A contribution to the solving of this issue, as well as the answers to many questions were provided by experts from various research institutes, faculties, institutes for the protection of monuments and nature, local and regional authorities and many others thanks to their practical and scientific experience.
The expansion of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of integrative protection would contribute to:
· The development of the notion of cultural landscape so as to include it in the relevant legal documents and cultural policy;
· Development of the legal regulations (from European to local practice);
· Defining the network of actors that should cooperate (at the local, national, regional and European levels) in pursuing the protection and creative development of cultural landscapes of historical, aesthetic and environmental significance;
· Raising awareness among individuals and groups on the need for the protection of cultural-historical, natural and spiritual heritage;
· Enhancing ecological conscience with the aim of maintaining cultural landscape;
· Strengthening of the local development process based on the valuation of cultural and natural heritage through education in the form of lectures, seminars, workshops, specialization, etc.;
· Legitimacy in the area treated as a cultural landscape (unlicensed construction, unlawful forest felling, illegitimate concessions for a cultural landscape part, etc).
The Conference was chaired by the group of renowned international experts, who also were the moderators for each thematic area.
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